Fathers and Partners

Fathers are important contributors to the experience of their partner’s pregnancy and the well-being of their children. Whether you are an expectant dad, a new dad, or an experienced dad, there is always an opportunity to learn more about pregnancy, parenting, and child development. Cuyahoga County has great programs to prepare you for fatherhood or support you through it.


Tips for dads

Attend prenatal doctor visits with your partner

Go with the expecting partner to doctor visits. Ask questions. Listen to the baby’s heartbeat. Learn how you can help during labor and delivery.

Eat healthy and exercise together.

A mother’s diet is very important to the developing baby. Make a healthy diet a family habit to encourage health before your baby even gets here.

Go for walks. Swim. Do yoga. Help mom-to-be stay active throughout the pregnancy which will help with labor and delivery.

Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and other harmful substances

It is important that the mom does not use alcohol, tobacco, or any drugs not prescribed by her doctor because they will harm the baby. Second-hand smoke is also very dangerous. Don’t smoke around your partner or your baby.

Take over the household cleaning

Aromatic household cleaners can cause nausea during pregnancy and toxic fumes can harm a developing fetus.

Talk to your baby in your partner’s belly

It may feel strange, but your baby is able to hear the world around them from inside your partner’s belly. Talking to your baby during pregnancy may help them find comfort after birth because they will recognize your voice.

Keep a peaceful environment

Remove as many stressors from the household as possible. Do activities together that promote peace and harmony. Get counseling if anger, negativity, or abusive behaviors are part of the relationship. The baby can sense stress in the environment even before its born. Create a happy environment to come home to for your partner and your baby.

Follow the safe sleep guidelines

Every year, almost 20 babies die before their first birthday because of an unsafe sleep environment. It is important that your baby sleeps alone, on their back, in a crib (bassinett or pack-n-play), and is never around second-hand smoke.

Support mom to breastfeed

Breastmilk is the best source of nutrition for most babies and can help protect them against some short- and long-term illnesses and diseases. Breastfed babies have a lower risk of asthma, obesity, type 1 diabetes, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and are also less likely to have ear infections and stomach bugs.

Learn how to care for your baby

Learn how to hold and feed your baby, how to bathe him/her, and change diapers. As time goes on, you will also learn how to comfort your baby. As you and your baby get to know each other, you will figure out what your baby wants and needs. Confidence comes with time so do some research and talk to other dads about their experiences.


Local programs for fathers

  • Cuyahoga County Fatherhood Initiative Fatherhood Initiative (cuyahogacounty.us)
  • Healthy Fathering Collaborative Programs for Fathers – Healthy Fathering Collaborative (neofathering.net)


Additional resources:

  • National Responsible Fatherhood For Dads | Fatherhood.gov

Get Support

Our community has a number of amazing pregnancy support programs and organizations that are available at no cost to you. Get connected with a birth worker, advocate, or health educator that can support you through your pregnancy, delivery, and after your baby is born.  

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